You're here for one reason.
Your neurodivergent child is struggling in school and at home. This means the same for you and your family.
Their needs are complex. They ebb and flow between crisis and chronic issues, impacting daily life for all of you.
Your competence and confidence navigating school and special education is what will turn chaos and crisis into clarity and control.
You'll spend less time on defense and more on offense, prepared to address immediate issues, pending situations, and those yet to come.

From Chaos To Clarity© Program
Behind every struggling child is a struggling parent or parents.
This program and masterclass will change things for your child. It all starts with you.
You will... (DESIGN)
Save time interacting with school.
Respond vs. react to school outreach.
Increase your education baseline knowledge.
Learn effective school advocacy strategies & tactics.
Adapt a new approach participating in school meetings.
Decrease your confusion, angst, and feelings of loss of control.
Understand how to hold your school district accountable for progress.
Program components:
Initial 2-hour Triage Consultation
You'll share what's happening in school now, what's been occurring this school year, and what you're anticipating for the rest of this academic year or in September. If an IEP meeting was recently held, another is approaching or planned, evaluations are underway, or new issues have emerged, we'll delve into the specifics to provide important information prior to the review of your child's educational file.
Comprehensive Educational Document Review
You'll provide your child's current district-conducted Evaluation Report, current IEP or 504, private evaluations, progress reports, and any other documents that will provide a complete picture and understanding of your child.
Following this review, we'll hold a 2-hour consultation to review and discuss the documents in detail addressing findings, issues, changes recommended, and considerations for the next school year including IEP changes.
Accelerated, 90-minute Special Education Masterclass (It Takes Two)
Novice or seasoned parent, new learning, refresher, or a combination of both, this intensive course is for two... both parents or one parent/partner/supportive family member. The strength of parent advocacy exists with two people even when one takes the lead. Parents often don't know what you don't know. We'll be changing this.
A shared baseline of information and understanding. Clarifying facts. Correcting misinformation. Closing the gaps. Filling in the blanks. And importantly, aligning course components to your child as learned from the document review The most effective way to parent advocacy is with a knowledgeable and prepared team.
5-Step Individualized Roadmap
After reviewing your child's educational file and completing the accelerated course, we'll create a 5-step roadmap to help you plan for your next steps. This tool will help with your decision-making, guiding your next steps about your child's services, supports, modifications, accommodations, placement, or transition planning in school.
Post-Document & Course Consultation
There's often much information to digest and additional questions frequently emerge, so we'll schedule a one-hour consultation within two weeks of conclusion of the masterclass.
Wonder if this program can help you?
Schedule a 45-minute introductory consultation below so we can talk
about your child and more. (point below)
45-Minute Introductory Consultation
An initial 45-minute consultation will help you determine if the From Chaos To Clarity© Program or other support will best meet your needs. We'll discuss your child, concerns, and answer questions.
Advising/Coaching Support
Questions and issues often emerge quickly where timely answers, guidance, and recommendations are needed. 60-minute sessions with additional e-mail support can be scheduled on an as-needed, individual session basis or bi-weekly as well.

"When you know better, you do better." Maya Angelou
"I don't remember who said this, but there really are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child."
Anne Lamott

From Chaos To Clarity Program©
Additional details:
Post-file review consultation & masterclass can be scheduled in one day -
A.M. consultation (2 hours) /P.M. masterclass (2 hours)
Consultation and masterclass can be conducted on-site/at home (summer), location-dependent. Travel costs extra.
45-minute Introductory Consultation
Day, evening, or weekend scheduling
May include your spouse, partner, or family member
60-minute advising/coaching session + 30 minutes of e-mail support
IEP Agenda + Domains of Deficit tools
Bi-weekly, 60-minute sessions + 60 minutes of e-mail support $750.
(minimum one-month commitment)
Day, evening, or weekend scheduling