Hello College, Goodbye IEPs and 504s:
For Parents of Students with Asperger's Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, or Learning Differencesâ„

You're about to enter the world of college. Or will be soon.
Preparing for and monitoring this transition is
one of the most important jobs you'll have.
Navigating the world of college is vastly different from K-12, starting with saying goodbye to your child's IEP or 504. There are things you need to know, do, and consider before the transition occurs which may be only a few short months away. Disability services, accommodations, foreign language requirements, off-campus resources, and support tools...all are part of the preparation process.
If your child is still in 9th, 10th or 11th Grade, there are things you need to know about his/her transition plan as this is the foundation for what comes next. If your child is 14 and no transition plan is in place, or if the transition plan lacks the specifics needed, now is when to work on it.
Introducing D.I.Scussionsâ„ , on-site workshops and seminars for companies and employees presented by Debra I. Schafer, CEO, Education Navigation, LLC and Executive Education Advisor.
If You're An Employer...
Working parents with children heading to college this fall and those with a few years yet to go need information to prepare for and navigate college. And this starts well before selecting dorm decor and a meal plan and requires specific actions and steps before, during, and after college begins.
In this interactive workshop, which can be presented on-site in a large or small group or via webinar or teleconference, we'll:
Review forms that need to be signed and provided;
Cover high school records;
Discuss disability and student support services;
Address securing off-campus support; and
Review tools that will help students succeed in college.
More students with special needs are attending college than ever before. This session will provide working parents with the steps and details they need as they prepare their children -- and themselves -- for this major life event.
If You're A Working Parent...
Individual consultations focus on your child's specific needs, college plans, and your steps in the process. Consultations are held via Skype, telephone, in our suburban Philadelphia office or, location-dependent, in your office, home, or vacation home. Reviewing your child's IEP/transition plan or 504 via a "Special Education Check-Up" -- even if college begins in a few months -- focuses on your child's individual transition.
Whether high school graduation is just behind you or is not for a few years, preparation and planning are key.
Workshops are conducted by Debra I. Schafer, CEO, Education Navigation, LLC and Executive Advisor, Special Education.
Individual employee consultations, whether on-site or conducted remotely, can be provided post-workshop are are scheduled directly with us.
Individual employee consultations scheduled post-workshop are provided at a corporate discount and can be scheduled daytime, evening, or weekends with spouse/partner participation if desired.
For further information about costs, scheduling, individual consultations, and related details, please contact: Debra@debraischafer.com or 484.887.8373.