Hello College, Goodbye IEPs and 504s:
For Parents of Students with Asperger's Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, or Learning Differencesâ„
You're about to enter the world of college. Or will be soon.
Preparing for and monitoring this transition process is
one of the most important jobs you'll have.
Navigating the world of college is vastly different than K-12. Well before purchasing those extra-long dorm sheets or discussing meal plan options, there are things that parents need to know and do to help ensure a smooth and successful transition which may be a few months away.
If your child is still in 9th, 10th or 11th Grade, there are things you need to know about his/her transition plan that will help support leaving your child's IEP or 504 behind. From accommodations and foreign language requirements to disability services and support tools, preparation is key.
Introducing D.I.Scussionsâ„ , on-site workshops for parent support groups presented by Debra I. Schafer, CEO, Education Navigation, LLC and Executive Education Advisor.
Summer is the perfect time for a workshop or workgroup to address the things parents likely do not know...but need to. Informal, interactive, and information-driven, parents are encouraged to bring their questions, their child's IEP or 504, and the documentation provided to college if applicable. We'll discuss transition plans, accommodations for the SATs and ACTs, college preparation, disability services, off-campus services and more.
Workshops/workgroups can be held daytime, evenings, or weekends (location-dependent)...at the park, local community room, on the beach, or in the backyard. Spouses/partners are encouraged to attend.
Individual parent consultations can also be scheduled and would include a review of the child's IEP or 504 and/or most recent evaluation report geared toward college.
For further information, please contact Debra@debraischafer.com or 484.887.8373.