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Hello College, Goodbye IEPs and 504s: 

For Parents of Students with Asperger's Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, or Learning Differencesâ„ 


You're about to enter the world of college.  Or will be soon.

Preparing for and monitoring this transition is

one of the most important jobs you'll have. 



Navigating the world of college is vastly different from K-12 and it starts with saying goodbye to your child's IEP or 504.  There are things you need to know, do, and consider before the transition occurs and things you need to do during and after college begins as well.  Disability services, accommodations, foreign language requirements, off-campus resources, and support tools...all are part of the preparation process and are things you need to monitor after the dorm sheets and meal plans have been purchased.


If your child is still in 9th, 10th or 11th Grade, your child's transition plan is the foundation for what comes, employment, and life.  Now is the time to carefully review what's in place and make the changes needed for a successful transition. 


Special Education Check-Up SM


If your child will be heading to college in late August, now is the time to review what's in place and what still needs to be done.  And if your child will still be in high school for the 2015-2016 school year, it's time to review your child's IEP/transition plan or 504 to prepare for next year and what's to come.




  • An initial, 45-minute telephone conversation

  • Review of your child's most recent Evaluation Report, IEP and/or 504, and final progress report

  • Written recommendations based upon documentation review


Optional services: 


  • 60-90 minute post document review telephone consultation in conjunction with written recommendations.


  • In-person/on-site consultations at your home, office, or vacation home; in our suburban Philadelphia office; nationwide cyber consultations.


  • Collaboration with summer programs, tutors, therapists, clinicians, and transitional team.


Consultations and document reviews conducted by Debra I. Schafer, CEO, Education Navigation, LLC and Executive Advisor, Special Education, partnering with executives, business leaders, professionals, and working parents nationwide for over 15 years.


A specialist can make all the difference as you help your teen prepare for life after high school.






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