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Neurodiversity Coaching Program
You're here for one reason. Your neurodivergent child is struggling in school and at home. This means the same for you and your family.
Their needs are complex. They ebb and flow between crisis and chronic issues, impacting daily life in most areas.
Your competence and confidence navigating school and special education will turn chaos into clarity, control, and calm.
You'll spend less time on defense and more on offense, prepared to address immediate and pending issues and those yet to come.
Details and Fees
If unsure whether the From Chaos To Clarity Program or Coaching Support may best fit your needs. consider scheduling an introductory consultation to discuss some address some immediate issues and help your decide.
Introductory 45-minute Consultation $225.
From Chaos To Clarity Program
Initial Triage Consultation (2 hours)
Comprehensive Document Reviews
Post-Document Review Consultation (2 hours)
90-Minute Accelerated Special Education Course
5-Step RoadMap
Post Course Consultation & Follow-Up (1 hour) $3,500.
Coaching Support
Since needs, questions, and issues often emerge where immediate answers are needed, coaching support may be the answer. Whatever the specifics, we'll address them.
3, 60-minute telephone or Zoom sessions + 60-minutes of e-mail support +
IEP Agenda + Domains of Deficit tools $1,450.
Sessions may be scheduled as needed within 2 months of selection
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