3 Areas Where Autism Awareness Matters
April. Autism Awareness Month...30 days of focus on autism spectrum disorders. A good thing for those who need to learn more about it. ...

College & Disabilities ... Parents Are Pivotal
Two days and two Twitter chats on college and disabilities. One as a guest and the other I hosted. And tomorrow airs an interview with...

The 1 Thing All Parents Must Know
From a book on entrepreneurship... Richard Branson (Virgin) has dyslexia. Pete Cashmore (CEO, Mashable) finished high school two years...

Education Should Be Anything But Special
I've come to a conclusion about education. Actually, quite a few but this one tops my list. Education shouldn't be called special...

Sexting and Selfies...Parents Be"A"ware
When I first learned what sexting was, I couldn't believe that anyone would post nude pictures of themselves online. And then when I...

College, IEPs and 504s - 3 Things You Really Need To Know
With the start of college weeks away, you may be wondering where the years went. For some parents, it seems as though this step arrives...

How CEOs Can Help Working Parents
I recently participated in a podcast on WorkLife HUB, an international broadcast focusing on the work/life arena. Our discussion focused...
Parenting Older Children With Special Needs: And It Gets Harder As They Get Older
I'm a major Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young fan and their song "See The Changes" tops my list of favorites. So I hope they won't mind that...