Sexting and Selfies...Parents Be"A"ware
When I first learned what sexting was, I couldn't believe that anyone would post nude pictures of themselves online. And then when I...

College, IEPs and 504s - 3 Things You Really Need To Know
With the start of college weeks away, you may be wondering where the years went. For some parents, it seems as though this step arrives...

Parents Living A Private Hell
Forget all the parenting labels -- helicopter parents, free-range parents, or otherwise. Forget all the advice for parents of "typical"...

An Anonymous Child Hoping For More
Over this Memorial Day weekend, I attended a local horse show, an annual event where Lilly Pulitzer outfits in pink and turquoise and...

An Employee Benefit That Truly Benefits
I’m always looking for companies doing innovative things to help their employees. Whether it’s wonderful benefits like adoption support...

How CEOs Can Help Working Parents
I recently participated in a podcast on WorkLife HUB, an international broadcast focusing on the work/life arena. Our discussion focused...

For Many Working Parents, Summer Isn’t A Picnic
The arrival of spring. Summer is close behind. If you’re like many working parents, you’ve either spent the past few months cobbling...

Autism…What’s Going To Happen After High School?
Whether your child is graduating from high school in June or not for several years, what happens next for your teen with an autism...
We're Losing Our Kids
I wrote this blog several months ago after learning of the suicide of yet another young college student, this one the friend of college...
The Juggle & Struggle Of Work/Life
The supermarket is a great place to tap into the pulse of people's lives. I don't eavesdrop, but discussions often occur in such a way...