5 Things To Know About Invisible Disabilities
​As I said last week, some issues require and deserve the focus of a special week or month and this is one of them. This is Invisible...

Work & Family Month - Do We Need It?
When it comes to bringing attention to causes and important issues, I'm all for it. With exceptions. October is National Work and Family...

Parents Know...The Worrying Never Ends
After what just happened in Oregon, I found myself thinking back to when my child was a newborn, back to when the world felt far too big...

What The Man In The Fiat Said
I admit it. I found myself captivated by The Pope. Everything from his arrival in D.C. to his departure from Philadelphia in the...

What I'd Tell Marissa Mayer About Her Maternity Leave Plans...and More
I’m imagining being Marissa Mayer's best friend and we're sitting together at a small, out-of-the-way café. We’ve known each other for...

Enough With The Parenting Labels Already
I've had enough of the labels being affixed to parents. No, more than enough. And I'm one of them. Helicopter parents. Free-range...

College & Disabilities ... Parents Are Pivotal
Two days and two Twitter chats on college and disabilities. One as a guest and the other I hosted. And tomorrow airs an interview with...

The 1 Thing All Parents Must Know
From a book on entrepreneurship... Richard Branson (Virgin) has dyslexia. Pete Cashmore (CEO, Mashable) finished high school two years...

Education Should Be Anything But Special
I've come to a conclusion about education. Actually, quite a few but this one tops my list. Education shouldn't be called special...

3 Ways Parents Hurt Themselves In IEP Meetings
Parents dread IEP meetings. And for good reason. They're jargon-filled, time-constrained gatherings with unknown or unfamiliar people...